Agile APQP涓庣簿鐩婁骇鍝佸紑鍙戞杩皘濂ユ浖鍏嬬殑鏂规硶鍜岀悊蹇靛箍娉涘簲鐢ㄤ簬鍏ㄧ悆姹借溅鍒堕犱笟銆佽埅绌鸿埅澶╁伐涓氥佸尰鐤楀櫒姊般侀珮閾佷互鍙婄數瀛愬崐瀵间綋琛屼笟锛佸挩璇㈢數璇濓細021-33608488

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Agile APQP涓庣簿鐩婁骇鍝佸紑鍙戞杩

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Agile APQP Overview

Seminar Content

Product development is innovation. Innovation is the key to growth and sustainability. This two-day seminar is designed to provide participants with an in depth understanding of Agile APQP for hyper-accelerated time to market launches with less risk, fewer design loop backs, and greater confidence that product decisions made during development meet customer requirements.

Students will be taught how to deliver successful new products in about a third the time it takes for traditional waterfall product development methods by using Agile APQP workflows. Students will learn how Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP) and Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) requirements are met using this proven and innovative approach. This is not a quality driven initiative. This is product development and product innovation.

With consumers around the globe demanding more innovative products be released faster, product designers need to stay ahead of these expectations and their competition. More today than ever, products that take multiple years to develop risk being obsolete before they enter the marketplace.


Who Should Attend

Senior Management, Chief Engineers, Product Engineers and Designers, Manufacturing Engineers, APQP team members, and individuals with direct responsibility for introducing new products, leading continuous improvement, and innovation will benefit from this seminar.

Recommended Training and/or Experience

         Basic understanding of APQP and PPAP manuals

         Some exposure to the NPD process

         Some exposure to Agile methods (e.g. Scrum)

         Leadership responsibility as a Change Agent

Seminar Materials

Each participant will receive a seminar manual including breakout exercises and related materials.

Seminar Goals

         Learn the power of Agile APQP workflows and the sprints that deliver PPAP requirements, test results, and approved products meeting customers鈥 requirements at an unprecedented pace, driving innovation.

         Learn the benefits of Agile APQP over the traditional waterfall APQP approach.

         Understand how these methodologies reduce the overall time to market for new products.

         Understand the benefit of making solid trade-off decisions by knowing when to delay certain designs while pulling ahead others and how that can speed up your product development process.

         Understand how short, iterative learning cycles reduce the risk of project failure and design loop backs.

Seminar Outline

Day 1 鈥 Agile APQP Basics

         Introducing Agile APQP

         Describes the Agile APQP workflow 

         Defines peoples roles (3)

         Identifies the Work products or  鈥渁rtifacts鈥 (3)

         Specifies the Agile APQP events (5), with a focus on single ECR Sprints

         Introduce Agile APQP metrics

         Provides a walk through exercise to experience Agile APQP for a single Engineering Change Request Sprint

Day 2 鈥 Agile at Scale

         Focus on Agile APQP@Scale - scaled from a single Agile team to many with Agile APQP@Scale for one Product Value Stream

         Discusses several organizational structures for Agile APQP@Scale

         Defines roles in an Agile APQP@Scale environment

         Defines artifacts for Agile APQP@Scale

         Integrating Agile APQP@Scale in an organization practicing APQP

         How to release a product in Agile APQP@Scale

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